Blanc Spa Oxygen Enzyme Therapy

IT’S HERE! The highly anticipated Enzyme Therapy treatment is #PUMPING at Blanc. 

Get ready to rewind the clock and get your skin functioning like it used to (in your youth)!

Enzyme Therapy looks cool and is super intriguing, but did you know that with the incredible visual, blood map effect, this treatment is working a little differently to usual? It is treating skin conditions at a much deeper cellular level.

How does it work?
Enzyme Therapy works to correct skin cell functions to a more “youthful” state by promoting oxygenation, blood flow and circulation, and lymphatic drainage.

The detoxification and purification process flushes and forces cellular fluids through the cell membranes cleaning away toxins, impurities and free radicals that have built up over time. This flushing simultaneously increases oxygenation of the blood which in turn feeds the skin new life.

You’re left with a clean, clear, healthy environment for cells to thrive and function at an optimal level.

Who is it for?

When your skin is presenting with acne, rosacea, slackening, dehydration, dryness, pigmentation, enlarged pores – it is a sign of imbalance in the skin.

Enzyme Therapy is going to be your “reset button” to improve your cellular functions whilst amplifying the effects of your regular skin treatments and home care.

Enzyme Therapy is appropriate for ALL skin types and conditions.

Immediately post treatment
Enzyme Therapy treatments results a visible flushing of the skin called the plasmatic effect. On some clients it presents as a “blood map” where the capillaries are visible and blood vessels pulsate at the surface of the skin. The increased oxygenation and flushing out of impurities can be seen in front of your eyes. This response will last anywhere from 30mins to a few hours. In addition to an incredible glow your skin will also be firm, visibly more plump, and lifted.

How many treatments do I need?
You will need a minimum of 6 treatments for optimum results. This does need to be maintained at regular treatment intervals and be complemented by our recommended homecare routine.

You can book online now, BOOK OXYGEN ENZYME THERAPY. Or call (03 9510 9122) to chat a Blanc skin expert.